If you've been following along every week, you're probably just about done spring cleaning! All that's left for most of you is your home's bedrooms. (If you have more than the basic rooms everyone has, just use the other checklists in this series as a basis for spiffing those areas up, too. See a list of all the checklists at the bottom of this post.)
For me, bedroom cleaning is extremely satisfying. Few things are more pleasant than going to sleep in a tidy, clean room under freshly laundered bedding. On the other hand, kids' bedrooms can be a real challenge. Ugh! Even if your kids are little, I highly recommend you get them involved in the cleaning process. I know this makes the job harder for you. I really do. But it's also important for your children to learn how to clean and organize.
Personally, I like to start with the black holes that are my kids' rooms (ahem!) and finish my spring cleaning with the master bedroom - just because I like doing the hardest stuff first :)
The supplies I recommend for spring cleaning bedrooms include:
* A vacuum
* A couple of dust cloths
* Paper or cloth towels
* Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
* Windex
* Q-tips
* Sponge
* Dawn dish soap
The Procedure:
To print out this checklist, click here.
* Remove all bedding from the bed, including the mattress cover and pillows, and begin washing them.
* Remove any curtains and throw them in the washing pile, too.
* Remove any area rugs; wash those that are washable and shake out or vacuum those that aren't.
* Remove any art from the walls; dust it and set it aside in another room.
* Dust the light fixtures. Wipe them down with Windex or remove the shades and wash them in the sink with a little Dawn dish soap. Replace light bulbs, if needed.
* Dust the ceiling and walls. If necessary, mop them. (Click here for advice on mopping walls and ceilings.)
* Dust any blinds.
* Wipe down all light switches and outlets. (I use Windex and a cloth towel.)
* Clean the windows, being sure not to clean up the window tracks and frames. (I vacuum the tracks, then use Windex and Q-tips to get into the crevices.)
* Clean any mirrors and their frames.
* Dust all air conditioners and heating vents. If needed, use a damp cloth to wipe them down and a Q-tip dampened with Windex to get into crevices.
* Dust and clean doors, door frames, and doorknobs. I like to use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for the doors and frames.
* Vacuum and dust all lamps and lampshades.
* Dust all furniture. For items that are used for storage (like bookcases or dressers), work on one piece of furniture at a time: Remove everything stored inside and vacuum or dust the interior. Use a damp sponge or some Windex and a towel to clean really dirty spots. Then sort through all the contents you removed, discarding broken or useless things and donating anything you don't use. Put all your "keepers" back into the clean piece of furniture before moving on to the next item.
* Remove everything from the closet, creating "throw away" and "donate" piles, if needed. Dust and, if necessary, mop the walls and ceiling. Vacuum the closet floor. Replace all the items you're keeping.
* Dust the floorboards. If they still appear dirty, wipe them down with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
* Vacuum the mattress using the upholstery attachment. Flip the mattress (or, if it's a pillow top, rotate it).
* Vacuum the floors. If the floors can be mopped, mop them.
* Replace artwork on the walls. Re-hang the washed and dried curtains. Replace rugs.
* Make the bed with fresh bedding.
You are DONE!
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