* Create flag treats by dipping clean, dry strawberries in melted white chocolate, then dip in blue sugar or blue edible sprinkles. (See images and instructions at Family Fun.)
* Make a popsicle stick White House.
* Throw a President's Day party packed with foods the presidents loved.
* Do alphabet code games for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
* Play "Rescue Flat George" with a dollar, some quarters, and a bottle.
* Make Abraham Lincoln's log cabin. (Or make this version from pretzels; here's a tutorial.)
* Make simple presidential finger puppets.
* Create an impressive lapbook about the Presidents of the United States. (Go here for more President's Day lapbook ideas.)
* Color some Abraham Lincoln or George Washington coloring pages.

* Make a cherry tree to go along with the famous (though fictional story) of George Washington in his youth. (See this version, too.)
* Do some online President's Day jigsaw puzzles.
* Make a paper plate hat like President Lincoln's.
* Turn yourself into Honest Abe.
* Do some President's Day research projects - and learn to draw the presidents.

* Create a toy Abe Lincoln from paper.
* Create a model of George Washington's Revolutionary War camp.
* Make a mini Mt. Rushmore, using coins.
* Play George Washington games online.
Cute! We are doing a curriculum this year (2nd grade) for History that is solely learning about every president to date each week of the school year. I can really put some of these ideas to use for fun and review! Thanks! :)