My kids love to make cookies. (And eat them, too!) But their favorite cookies to both make and eat are creative endeavors, like our yearly batch of iced and trimmed Christmas cookies. This year, I want to try some special Thanksgiving cookies, too. Since I'm not good at fancy decorating, I scoured the web for easier ideas my kids can fully participate in. Here's what I came up with. (Photos all copyrighted by the linked-to websites.)
* Plymouth Rock Cookies. I love this idea because it's both fun and teaches a wee bit of history. I found two slightly different instructions.
Family Fun's version and
Almost Unschoolers'.
* Turkey Handprints. There are a number of ways to use your children's hands as a template for sugar or gingerbread

cookies, but I like the idea of tracing their hands onto paper or cardstock first.

Not only does this limit the amount of patience my kids (and I!) need for the project, but I think it makes cutting a lot easier. It's the decorating that makes these cookies really look like turkeys. Try having the kids brush on icing that's a different color for each tail, and look for ball and oblong edible decorating items in the baking aisle or from a source like
King Arthur Flour. For an example of this style of cookie,
check out Taste of Home's website.
* Pilgrim Hat Cookies. There are a few ways to make treats in the shape of Pilgrim hats, too. The simplest may be
these, featured at Accent the Party, and made of chocolate wafer cookies and peanut butter cups. You can also use Keebler Fudge Cookies and marshmallows, as explained over at
Celebrations. Yet another variation is found at
* Cookie Turkeys. Keeping the theme of using store bought cookies and candies to make your own cookie creations, I like two variations on the turkey theme: Using chocolate covered cherries, candy corn, and cookies, as shown at
Taste of Home, and using Oreos and candy corn,
as seen on Flickr.
* Corn Stalks. These clever creations are just sugar cookies frosted and decorated with M&Ms. Green fruit leather makes up the husk, as detailed over at
Family Fun.
I love these! :)