My 5 year old's been far more interested in trying new vegetables - as long as they are from the garden. And she relishes every veggie I set before her as long as she knows we grew it. Some of her favorites are Dragon Tongue green beans, Brussel sprouts, collards, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, corn (on the cob), and peas (especially if they are in the pod).
I'd forgotten how absolutely delicious everything is when picked ripe and fresh from the vine. Store bought can't even begin to compete. For example, although my family likes store bought Brussel sprouts, I know many people dislike their slightly bitter flavor. I encourage you to eat some fresh off the plant; they are much more tender and sweet - and they cook up in just a couple of minutes.

I've frozen lots of collards, some cabbage, and plenty of parsley, cilantro, and carrot tops. I canned lots of carrots and some beets. Otherwise, we've only had enough to keep fresh veggies on our table. That's okay, but I would like to see if I could up production next year. Oh, if only I had more sunny spots in our yard!
The tomato plants are huge and are beginning to produce red fruit. I still hope to can a lot of tomatoes. I'm sure I'll soon be freezing some zucchini, too - and I may have to figure out how I want to preserve cucumbers, also. I may also try my hand at making sauerkraut.
Next year, I will plant more peas up front. We are now on our third round of peas (thanks to winter sowing and choosing varities that need a short time to mature), but I'd like to grow mor

This year was the first I tried my hand at garlic and onions. The onions I grew from bulbs, and I've harvested the first of two spring planted crops. They look great! I hope they taste much better than store bought, or I may not be able to justify the space they take in the garden. (Store bought onions are pretty cheap, after all.) And while garlic isn't expensive, either, it was fun to grow in containers where I'd normally plant flowers. Although most sources tell you to plant in the late summer and then harvest about a year later, I planted in the spring and harvest a few weeks ago. I'm planting a few of the cloves back in the ground, and we'll see how they do over winter.
I learned a few things about making the most of our veggies, too. For example, did you know you can eat garlic flower bulbs? For the biggest garlic, you should cut off the flower and stem, anyway. Then you can chop up the flower bulb and the less tough part of the stem and use it just like garlic. I also used carrot tops for the first time; use them in place of parsley in cooked dishes. We ate beet tops for the first time also and absolutely loved them sauteed in olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. And one of my husband's friends taught us this trick: After cutting the main head off cabbage, leave the plant in the ground and it will produce miniature cabbage heads. I removed these small heads when they were about the size of a large Brussel sprout, but you can wait till they get a bit bigger. Small ones cook up just like Brussel sprouts (but are a bit sweeter), or use them in stews, soups, or roasts.
For more pictures of my garden, check out my Facebook page.
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