It might seem strange to recommend a canning recipe book to people who don't can, but
The Farmer's Wife Canning & Preserving Cookbook is a great resource for
all cooks.
Of the over 250 recipes included, almost all were originally used for canning. You see, this cookbook reprints recipes and short editorials from a small magazine called
The Farmer's Wife, published between 1893 and 1939. But back in those days, there was no way to test canning recipes for safety. In this modern edition, some recipes have been tested (so you won't give your family food poisioning), while others have not. Each is clearly marked, and the untested recipes are idea for refrigerating and using right away. No canning skills required!
What makes this book really special is its vintage qualities.
Not only are many old-timey illustrations and ads reprinted in this book, but the recipes are often unlike anything you'll find in a modern cookbook. For example, if you live in an area where huckleberries grow wild, you'll appreciate all the ideas for canning and cooking with huckleberries - and other
wild berries, for that matter. Want fresh ideas for pickles? How about
watermelon rind or carrot pickles? Or even
nasturtium flower pod pickles? You'll also discover lots of jelly, jam, conserves, marmalades, and butter recipes, along with recipes for
homemade pectin. There are instructions for canning with a hot water bath canner or a pressure canner, and recipes for fruits, vegetables, and
a whole chapter on tomato products. There are relishes and chutneys, too.
And if you've ever thought "Hmmm...If I can cherries what on earth would I do with them afterward?" there's a chapter on "
What to Make with What You've Canned."
While I was originally disappointed all the recipes weren't tested safe for canning, all in all, this is a delightful cookbook with lots of neat ideas for canning and cooking. I recommend it!
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