* Give love letters, notes (including those written on the bathroom mirror), emails, or text messages. * Write SHMILY wherever we can. ("SHMILY" stands for "see how much I love you" and can be written on the steamy mirror while your hubby takes a shower, in the sand box, in a little note stuck in a lunch box...) * Tell what we love about each other. (Create a list, a series of hidden notes, or a booklet telling your loved one specific things you love about your hubby or kids.) I also make sure my preschooler understands the history behind Valentine's Day. We read The Story of Valentine's Day by Nancy Skarmaes, which is the only children's book I've found that covers the topic. You can also scour The History Channel for more information about this holiday named after a monk who married young couples even when the Emporer outlawed marriage. How will you make Valentine's Day special for your family?
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